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型情報(宣言)と、実装を分離できる仕組み prof.js を実装してみました


今朝方ピコーン*1 があったので頑張って1日で実装してみました。




  • 監視対象の関数のIN/OUTで、呼び出し階層をネストした状態で吐き出すトレース機能
  • 監視対象の関数の呼び出し回数と、実行時間の統計情報
  • 宣言にもとづく引数の動的な型チェックと、戻り値の動的な型チェック

などを prof.js として実装してみました。スライドはこちら


var prof; // - prof.js library namespace

prof || (function(global) { // @arg Global: window or global

// --- library scope vars ----------------------------------
var _db = {},       // { path: { fn, owner, name }, ... }
    _tm = {},       // { path: { time, count }, ... }
    _trace = true;  // trace on/off

// --- header ----------------------------------------------
prof            = prof_dump;    // prof(find:String = ""):Object/String/undefined
prof_dump.on    = prof_on;      // prof.on()   = prof_off;     //
prof_dump.add   = prof_add;     // prof.add(...:String)
prof_dump.clear = prof_clear;   // prof.clear()

// --- implement -------------------------------------------
function prof_dump(find) { // @arg String(= ""): find name. "" is dump all
                           // @ret Object/String/undefined: { time, count }
                           // @help: prof
                           // @desc: dump profile data (paste to Excel sheet)
    if (find) {
        return _tm[find];
    var rv = [], header = ["function", "time", "count"].join("\t"),
        path, paths = Object.keys(_tm).sort();

    rv.push(header); // add header 

    while (path = paths.shift()) {
        rv.push([path, _tm[path].time, _tm[path].count].join("\t"));

    rv.push(header); // add footer

    return "\n" + rv.join("\n") + "\n";

function prof_on() { // @help: prof#prof.on
                     // @desc: trace on
    _trace = true;

function prof_off() { // @help:
                      // @desc: trace off
    _trace = false;

function prof_add(ooo) { // @var_args String: 'owner.fn(a:Integer/String, b:Object):Object'
                         // @help: prof#prof.add
                         // @desc: add profile data, and hook functions
    var i = 0, iz = arguments.length,
        fg, owner, fn, path;

    for (; i < iz; ++i) {
        fg = _parse(arguments[i].trim()); // { owner, fn, args, resultType }

        owner = global[fg.owner];         // owner object
        fn    = _drillFunctionObject(owner, fg.fn.concat());
        path  = fg.owner + "." + fg.fn.join("."); // function path, "owner.function"

        _db[path] = _hook(path, { fn: fn, owner: owner, name: fg.fn },
                          fg.args, fg.resultType);
        _tm[path] = { time: 0, count: 0 };

    function _drillFunctionObject(owner, fnary) {
        var fn = owner[fnary.shift()];

        while (fnary.length) {
            fn = fn[fnary.shift()];
        return fn;

function prof_clear() { // @help: prof#prof.clear
                        // @desc: clear profile data, and unhook all functions
    for (var path in _db) {
        _unhook(path, _db[path]);
    _db = {};
    _tm = {};

function _hook(path,         // @arg String: "owner.function" path
               obj,          // @arg Object: { fn, owner, name }
               args,         // @arg ObjectArray: [ { arg, type, def }, ... ]
               resultType) { // @arg String:
                             // @inner: hook function, arguments assert,
                             //         result type assert, trace,
                             //         profiling
    var owner = obj.owner, ary =;

    while (ary.length > 1) {
        owner = owner[ary.shift()];
    owner[ary[0]] = function() {

        // --- assert arguments ---
        if (typeof mm !== "undefined") {
            switch (args.length) {
            case 7: args[6].arg && mm.allow(arguments[6], args[6].type);
            case 6: args[5].arg && mm.allow(arguments[5], args[5].type);
            case 5: args[4].arg && mm.allow(arguments[4], args[4].type);
            case 4: args[3].arg && mm.allow(arguments[3], args[3].type);
            case 3: args[2].arg && mm.allow(arguments[2], args[2].type);
            case 2: args[1].arg && mm.allow(arguments[1], args[1].type);
            case 1: args[0].arg && mm.allow(arguments[0], args[0].type);
        // --- trace ---
        if (_trace && global.console && {

        var now =;
        var rv = obj.fn.apply(obj.owner, arguments);

        _tm[path].time += ( - now);

        // --- trace end ---
        if (_trace && global.console && global.console.groupEnd) {
        // --- assert result type ---
        if (typeof mm !== "undefined") {
            if (resultType) {
                mm.allow(rv, resultType);
        return rv;
    return obj;

function _unhook(path,  // @arg String: path
                 obj) { // @arg Object: { fn, owner, name }
                        // @inner: unhook function
    var owner = obj.owner, ary =;

    while (ary.length > 1) {
        owner = owner[ary.shift()];
    owner[ary[0]] = obj.fn;

function _parse(str) { // @arg String: 'a.fn2(a:Integer/String = ",", b:Array):Object'
                       // @ret Object: { owner, fn, args, resultType }
                       //       owner - String: "a"
                       //       fn    - StringArray: ["fn2"]
                       //       args  - ObjectArray:
                       //               [ { arg: "a", type: "Integer/String", def: "," },
                       //                 { arg: "b", type: "Array", def: undefined    } ],
                       //       resultType - String: "Object"
                       // @inner: parse function syntax

    var rv = { owner: "", fn: [], args: [], resultType: "" },
        ary, index = str.indexOf("(");

    if (index < 0) {
        throw new TypeError("BAD_FORMAT");
    ary      = str.slice(0, index).replace("#", ".prototype.").split(".");
    rv.owner = ary.shift();
    rv.fn    = ary;
    str      = str.slice(index + 1);
    index    = str.lastIndexOf(")");
    if (index < 0) {
        throw new TypeError("BAD_FORMAT");
    rv.args  = _parseArgs(str.slice(0, index));
    rv.resultType = (str.slice(index + 1) || "").replace(/^:/, "");
    return rv;

function _parseArgs(str) { // @arg String: 'arg:Type/MoreType = defaultValue'
                           // @ret ObjectArray: [ { arg, type, def }, ... ]
                           // @inner: parse argument, type, default value

    var rv = [], // [ { arg, type, def }, ... ]
        ary = [], quoted = 0;

    // split commas
    //      split    'a:String = ",",   b:String'
    //       to    [ 'a:String = ","', 'b:String' ]
    str.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(value) {
        if (/"$/.test(value) && ++quoted > 1) { // combine a quart consecutive
            ary[ary.length - 1] += ("," + value);
            quoted = 0;

    // parse "arg:Type/MoreType = def", index) {
                      function(_, arg, type, def) {
            if (arg === "...") {
                rv.push( { arg: "", type: type, def: def } );
            } else if (def === void 0) {
                rv.push( { arg: arg, type: type, def: def } );
            } else {
                rv.push( { arg: arg, type: type += "/undefined", def: def } );
    return rv;

})(this.self || global);

(ε・◇・)з o O ( 「既存のソースコードを改変せずに、必要に応じて型チェックを後から入れられる」ってトコがミソだね
